Inside a weaver’s mind: where technical prowess is the warp of the darting imaginative weft.

As a student, Mohammed loved mathematics and IT. Today, he uses all of these skills in the complicated techniques required for preparing a loom. For example, his current frame has 150 strands of 26 threads, 13 lines of ‘up’ alternating with 13 lines of ‘down’. He has to focus and concentrate hard when preparing as…

Why do Moroccan wool rugs shed? Everything you ever wanted to know about wool, shedding, Moroccan rugs, and more.

One of the more common questions we receive is do the wool rugs artisans list on Anou shed? If so, how much? And lastly, is there anything that can be done to minimize the shedding? Since we’ve launched the Atlas Wool Supply Co, we’ve invested an immense amount of time researching and testing various wool…